Friday 15 November 2013

Making It Second Nature

Not long ago I was laying on the floor of my son throwing one of his toy balls back and forth in the air to myself and I had a strange revelation . I noticed that when I threw the ball in the air in my left arm automatically started to move to where the ball was coming. At that time I was quite surprised at the fact and decided to experiment a bit .

I was not sure if it was real or if I was just automatically react aware very quickly and it appeared only as a seamless act moves . I continued the act for a while and then I started consciously trying to move to where the ball would go my arm. I was still able to catch the ball, but it was a very different feeling . I was not sure I would catch where as before I just knew I would be so much that I do not even think about it . Then I remembered to catch the ball I experienced a psychological shift . Just to be sure I went back to my normal method simply throwing and catching and again it felt automatically .

I then tried to throw the ball and close my eyes and see my hand or knew where to go . It did . I did not catch much , but the ball always hit my hand . I tried the whole thing with my eyes closed and besides I did not touch the ball very often quite that way .

Now I know you must be thinking what does any of this have to do with trade . Well , ... uh ..... everything! Sure, you have a system that works and capital and time and desire and effort , but beyond that the mental state of being a trader is . Not only a trader but a consistently successful trader .

How did my mind learn to know exactly where the ball went? I suppose that after many years of throwing or catching a ball as a child my subconscious adapted the process in a second nature kind of way . As I throw the ball sends the synaptic messages to my arm directly to where the ball will be , even if my eyes are closed .

In trade the markets we look for hours each day . Some of us all day every day . The successful among us probably hours after that during practice . I spend at least one hour after the normal market transactions using my system . My system is second nature to me now as a result like to throw the ball . I still use a system and rules to follow , but if I'm not thinking about the process too much and only flow in a zone I usually know what the market will do.

So how do we develop this skill or trait ? I believe there are two ways and they will practice in both cases. One way is to really work hard at your craft and put yourself through an intensive regimen of study , practice and work . If you work hard every day and try to get a little better each day will happen over time as your account and you do not burn out mentally. There are mental tricks that you can use in this way as effectively to build a reward system for milestones or keep a daily log of your trading making activities. This method is tiring , and sounds for many people that it would be.

The other way to gain insight is second nature to focus on having fun with your craft your attention. While the first method is directed to laboriously go through the motions of this method is more nimble . In no way am I suggesting that the trade should be taken lightly . I'm talking about here approach . If you should be doing in a kind of mental game every day to put the homework you'll be much more likely to do it and more importantly draw on your experiences in your real - time trading . You need to keep if that helps and maybe talk to yourself about what you see along the way . Pace quickly Make a funny sound or something like to enter your trades and again as you exit the program . Maybe upbeat sound for winning trades and nimble crashing sounds for losing trades . Do what works for you , but keep it fun .

There is no getting around this. If your goal is to see the automatic reflexes kicking into gear as your subconscious mind have a chance then you should exercise . I walk every day through the previous two trading days step-by - step and using the Pivot Trend difference model from my NQ Scalping System  I choose a trading day from the past trading days immediately following the recent activities seem . I bet if you ask any professional or Olympic athlete or they can think about what it is that makes them so consistently that the answer would be practical . I can say with certainty that the extra time I after the markets close is the key to my success .

Good luck to you all . Trade well !

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