Sunday 17 November 2013

Investing As A Sport?

I said last week that money does not generally buy happiness , but the lack of it can buy absolute misery . This , by the way, is not just my personal observation . It is the conclusion of some of the most respected happiness researchers ( Yes, there is such a thing - . Read my book )

The problem is that we pay attention to more money if we lack than when we have it. This does not seem fair , but the Lord works in mysterious ways . Most people are invested in the stock market , either directly or through mutual funds, pension funds or other vehicle . It's so hard to not be a part of the Panic Crowd . But I , in all my financial wisdom , have two golden rules to offer . This may not make you rich , but they will be happy .

Number One: Place your investment in the safest possible vehicles ( Do as I say , not as I do ! ) And forget them . When the next recession ends , take inventory and see that you are still investment . Most of us do not get a rush watching our investments dip or yo-yo up and down . Most people are happier when they forget they even have investments .

Number two : If you are one of those people with a terminal case of Itchy Trading Finger , then you probably would not be happy ignoring your investments . Put aside what you need for the long term , as the pension if your heart lasts that long . Do not play with this money . Do not touch it . Trade only with "extra " money . The rest of you are asking : "What's that ," But Itchy Fingers Trading know what I 'm talking about they see trading as a sport ? . .

In fact, stock trading is a sport . Much more than , say , hunting . Think about it . In a sport , two equal opponents off against each other . " Let the best one win . " Each faces the same challenges . Each is armed with the same weapons . Each has an equal chance of feeling the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat ( unless, of course , you happen to be the Tampa Bay Devil Rays ) .

Imagine the play - by - play as hunting was a sport : . . . "Man is closing in. He comes from behind and rounding to the south side He raised his rifle deer do not even seem to notice Oh , I can .. ' t watch This is a massacre waiting Deer has just jerked up and turned He turns around a tree , and - . ? .. look Deer has a rifle he aims he shoots he Kills man down What an upset , ladies and gentlemen " ! . .

In real life, Deer not win very often . In fact , I estimate that the human is about 4.3 trillion times more likely to be defeated by his own teammate than the opposition . We call this "friendly fire".

Unlike Itchy Trading Finger , who have an equal chance of striking gold or move to a cardboard box on the corner of the street . The fair is really sport , for those who choose to treat . It that way That is why it is so important to put aside - in safe investments - the money that you feel you need for your future. That way , when Itchy Fingers Trading retire , they go out of the carton .

For the rest of us, we are happier getting our sport watch monster trucks crush WWF actors . Oops ! There I go again, mixing my sport and my metaphors , not to mention ignoring a number of federal safety standards. Can your investments are safer than my WWF friends , and you can sleep well at night .

David Leonhardt is The Happy Guy . He is an energetic motivational speaker and author of Climb Your Stairway to Heaven : the 9 habits of maximum happiness. Visit him at

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