Tuesday 31 December 2013

Annuity Investment - The Whole Truth

Did you ever feel that you do not have told you the truth ? Kind of like a missing ? Well, you are not alone .

They declined to like being in the cold , the last few years in the stock market , by struck of many investors , many people are feeling . Why is my broker , did not get me ? I did not go out why I ? What I missed ? Did better place for my money there? They want to know the truth nothing truth , and the truth , .

And when you think about investments , you are one of the choices always pension . But , have you what you 've heard about your pension ? Have you ever heard the story of your friend that you put all of his money in the pension , made ​​money during the three years of decline actually you ? Or your friend was the one person who bought a pension that could not be without having to pay a termination fee of 25% , from he get out ? Pension , or is good or bad ? You should invest in pension ?

Well, to be here to tell you , I do not know the whole story . There are many things you are not told there , I'll be here to tell these things to you. I document publishing highly controversial , entitled : Recent literally , has attracted the attention of the industry in no time "This is a pension revealed the shocking truth . " .

Why you might ask . It is the answer so well shed light on some things you would not believe . It has been revealed that you have an agent of rage industry it so . And I can not reveal these things they , I believe they would let you in on a little secret dirt that has not been said to you .

So , what does this mean? To you ? It means that you can be playing at a level playing field. It means that you know or truth for you were telling the truth , you get the purchase , to see if has been sold just another lie . It will help you avoid mistakes being made ​​every day due to ignorance of investor you are.

So if you are thinking of pension owns or on which the pension ,  is a must . Please see that you take a walk , I'm doing . By the way , I am so confident in my products , it offers a money-back guarantee . If you want to get the most out of one piece of advice or to avoid one of the mistakes that are described in the document only for you , but , I'm sure , you will be required to pay hundreds of times of you it back .

If you are interested , click on the link immediately below , please refer to what I am doing . You will be shocked on whether there really is to clarify this document . The with it in mind good luck , and do your homework .

And remember , ignorance is not bliss ...

Banks and insurance companies have to reveal the secrets you do not want to know , ' pension shocking truth is clearly ' : is the author of the controversial document , Tony Bahu.

For more information about the document of his , please refer to the following site now!

Sunday 29 December 2013

Annuity Owner Mistakes

Because I understand , I can tell that you are sitting in front of a myriad of people who made ​​a mistake when you own a pension to buy . And I visited the people that you want to was not that they did participate in the pension . And , ... So , I like that for a great vehicle and such some people for others the pension you 've seen people who say their pensions be the worst nightmare of their own making a bad thing what? I will return to the mistakes of the owner of the largest pension of it all and I ... to tell you about Well . Yes , mistakes you do not have , miss .

Let me explain to you . The IT, insurance agency or pension most is a product that can solve the investment needs of all for investors of any "Perhaps . The best products " have what they called there . And , they , it , when someone is shopping for a pension , they sound good to ask the salesperson , " What pension best ? " This is the biggest mistake . For all you know , the best pension to the sales representative may be the one to pay the fee him the best . This question gets a lot of people in need than the other questions in the world of investment ...

( Pension , stock , and investment trusts ) What is the best ____________ , to say because everyone's needs are different , and there is no investment not the best all the time , each investment , I have it. " benefits Dai ​​own that must be matched to the needs of investors .

So in essence , I am looking for the " best " investmtent mistake of maximum . So how do you avoid the biggest mistake of the owner of the pension ? By using a good question ? " What is the best investment for me " question is the highest . The questions are quite different . The biggest mistake , including that you do not have your homework , in order to do more complicated things , you , please see . If you look at the order of the investment " best " you if you do not do your homework , you probably will end up with something you do not want to . By you do your homework , and you can figure out what you do not need and what you want . When a sales representative to present something to you , you can see immediately if you want to fit it on whether needs . Otherwise , sales representative , did not do his job probably .

It is possible to find in : " Shocking Truth Revealed pension " is a book , in one tool to assist in this search . Yes, you guessed it , it is not free . However , it is valuable . It can not be assumed that pension can be , this is , not only indicates whether give the appropriate question for you to ask your agent it . It allows you to avoid all of the mistakes of the owner of the pension you is made . This is because it has informed agnets your bank , not the insurance company , all . Pensions and the way to avoid the worst nightmare of you , it revolves around the premise of doing your homework .

Always and if a salesperson " to either annuity best what is for me " , asking have taken start the answer without asking you about your situation , bottom liine is run by specifying the file name .. . run , to find another person . They and , before to ask you about your situation , it is recommended that you know your own situation . Enough to that you can help a good salesperson , they will be able to help you . And remember , as compared to the needs of their own situation and they do not have " the best investment " no , there is investment of only the best for each person . Please remember to ...

Ignorance is not bliss ...

Banks and insurance companies have to reveal the secrets you do not want to know , ' pension shocking truth is clearly ' : is the author of the controversial document , Tony Bahu.

For more information about the document of his , please refer to the following site now!

Friday 27 December 2013

Annuity Investment Guide

Information about the pension is not in short supply , but good information is missing for sure. In the full age of information , extraneous data at all times is flooded we . Pension is a great investment vehicle . Pension is a bad investment vehicle . Pension was the worst nightmare of my mom . I have heard the story of all you . So what do you do?

When it comes to investment guide of pension , that you have tried what we do is provide the truth . We are getting rid of the noise of investment that always has been flooded : " shocking truth is , obviously pension " about . Fixed annuity , variable annuity , equity index annuity , which is a no-nonsense approach about ugly life insurance and even in order to minimize the bad real estate tax , it is , good . Because it is thought that there is no investment guide of sufficient pension for the average person to understand the pension of their own , it was written to me.

Since it is necessary to know the truth about their pensions , further , it was written to people . The insurance agent , you need to know the lies that are used to sell the pension a little dirty they . Since fall for financial advisors and investment counselor Their it , it is ridiculous to see a lot of people . In one section , it talks about how to tell a good agent from the agent really bad . In addition , many pension is suitable in itself , and it tells you in plain English pension is not good for anything . Read the investment guide for this pension in fact , people will be able to walk away feeling at least some of the knowledge in the field of pension .

So If you are looking for a pension investment guide on the right , you have come to the right place for you. Please see what you come to http://www.annuitymd.com, we are saying . I learn the truth about your pension from an impartial point of view . We too , so do not buy anything that does not fit the needs of you , I'll tell you what is wrong with the pension .

For the most part , information is free , wisdom is priceless . " If you think education is the expensive You ! Please try ignorance " one wise man in such a manner that once said , education and knowledge of the investment and pension is valuable . I read a book of pension that you can get it from a trusted source , and help you to determine the future of your pension and truly .

Ignorance is not bliss ...

Banks and insurance companies have to reveal the secrets you do not want to know , ' pension shocking truth is clearly ' : is the author of the controversial document , Tony Bahu.

For more information about the document of his , please refer to the following site now!

Wednesday 25 December 2013

Variable Annuities

Do you know all the articles read about pension with a very high fee ? And something that you lose a lot of money people ? Well , these are known as a good variable annuity . Yes , they have several advantages . The upside potential offer market , there is a death benefit that is guaranteed , ... but offers a tax deferral , they also , they do not have a lot of disadvantages .

I do not get me wrong now ... I , in the right circumstances , it ... but advocated the pension for the right candidate , I am not opposed to variable annuity insurance in most situations wildly you . First of all , they have high fees . Over time , the market might mean a 8-10% , but if you look at the range of 5 percent from 2 , the cost everywhere , then , your return will start seeing dismal fairly . I mean the amount of risk you take , value does not have to frequently it .

Another problem we have in variable annuity , I , is that it has a whistle is extremely expensive and too often deceive the bell a lot of them . One of the " features " These are the advantages of living . When you understand it , because you find it is not a function really great at it all , how to propose the benefits living to marvel at the fact that many drugs , how do I actually work they or never explained to customers ... it ( the will or not) . So , I think for the most part , I would not suggest a justification to buy them enough variable annuity .

So , is there a good situation variable annuity may be appropriate ? Well , be there ... and you want to know what that situation , but I'm in ? Well , for that , you need to get it from this ... What book ? This is called the pension : is clearly shocking truth - found in . When they buy a pension , it saw the depth of what pension , because different types of things that can not be how people make a mistake , and that , and what you can do to avoid them , they can . You think it's valuable ? It is indeed . And , it does not hold back ... it and truth , I am what is truth . In particular, I am talking about the truth hidden all ... if they are trying to sell one to you that no one describes the pension it . You think education is expensive is , but there is no no comparison may try ignorance . Because remember ...

Ignorance is not bliss ...

Banks and insurance companies have to reveal the secrets you do not want to know , ' pension shocking truth is clearly ' : is the author of the controversial document , Tony Bahu.

For more information about the document of his , please refer to the following site now!

Monday 23 December 2013

Help with My Annuity

Hear the cries are from afar, " I need help with my annuities. " Nothing has changed ... just a lonely senior who can not trust anybody with her annuity because every time she asks for advice , someone tries to invest in a different annuity ... her Sound familiar? Well you are not alone .

Often when speaking to a senior about their annuities , I ask them their biggest complaint . Time and time again they say it is difficult to find someone who can help with their annuity without trying to sell them . Them another It is not uncommon . The truth of the matter is , many annuity agents are not out to help the client but to help themselves ( I 'm sure you will not be surprised ) . They want the 'easy money ' to make , without regard to the needs of the client or investment objectives . The unfortunate part is that this is not going to change .

Fair assistance an annuity is hard to find . Insurance agents are not paid for their time , usually they are only paid for making a sale. So it's no wonder why they always recommend another annuity . I once visited someone who needed help with an annuity that an agent "talked him into . " The problem is , to get into this annuity , the agent talked him into surrendering his old annuity and paying a $ 13,000 surrender charge to do - AND aNNUITY HE PUT HIM iN worse than the annuity HE GOT HIM OUT .. . When I asked him why he called the other seller in the first place , he told me that he just needed to make a small withdrawal of its annuity and did not know how ... and the agent cheated to switch to another annuity and paying a huge surrender charge that he could never recover him because of his age ... Luckily it was not too late and we were able to turn back. Transaction are

However , good help is hard to find . There is no doubt . This may come as a surprise , but my recommendation to anyone who needs help , is to first buy " Annuities . : The Shocking Truths " Sure the book , I wrote it and make sure I have an interest to say , but at that any case it is about annuities in a way that everyone can understand them. And at least it points out all the things that people who own annuities or are looking for annuities to be careful of . Most importantly, it highlights the dirty little secrets that agents never tell you about annuities .

The bottom line is this. If you need help with your annuity , you need to be vigilant . Many agents are out there to be aware of this . For their own good and should Utilize your resources and learn to ask before making a decision ( also in the book ) . The right questions to ask your agent Sure , you can just give up and never get help, but the worst decision is no decision . Help with your annuity is hard to find , but not impossible ... that's why I wrote the book ! Good luck and remember ...

Ignorance is not bliss ...

Tony Bahu is the author of the controversial document , ' Annuities : The Shocking Truths ' , the secrets that the banks and insurance companies do not want you to know reveals .

For more information on his document , visit the site below now !

Saturday 21 December 2013

Can Your Annuity Do This?

Many people buy annuities based on recommendations from their agent . However , many people do not even know what they own . It's a good idea to take stock of your investments , inventory and particularly your annuity . It is important to understand what your annuity can and can not do and what functions it has . Here are some of the things you definitely need to know about your annuity :

1. What interest rate you currently getting ?

2. The rate getting worse ?

3. What is the value of your insurance company ? ( Critical)

4. What are your surrender charges ?

5 . Is your client ever in danger?

6. What retirement income options and has to have your annuity
7. Is your annuity Medicaid Friendly?

8. Have you your beneficiary annuitant and even ownership of your annuity to point ?

9. How safe is your annuity ?

10. Is your annuity subject to double taxation ?

12. What is your minimum guarantee ?

13. Are you eligible for a 1035 exchange ?

14. What happens in the event of your death ? Are your heirs are entitled to all the money or are there penalties ?

This is a good beginning inventory . These questions are important in ensuring you do what is right for you . As mentioned earlier , the best annuity is the one that is best for YOU . And by taking inventory of what you own , you can now judge it against your own goals and make sure there is a match .

By the way, this is a good process to periodically go through. As you know , you over time . And as they change , you must ensure that your investments are always in line with your goals . If they are , great. If they do not , well , change your goals --- or change your investments ! But make sure there is a match .

Hopefully this helps . And remember, it's not what you know , it's what you do with what you know . If this makes sense, then your annuity pull out and take inventory . There is no better time than the present.

Tony Bahu is the author of the controversial document , ' Annuities : The Shocking Truths ' , the secrets that the banks and insurance companies do not want you to know reveals .

For more information on his document , visit the site below now !

Thursday 19 December 2013

Annuity Help

Many people today are looking for annuity help. The biggest challenge seems that most aid is biased . What exactly do I mean? I mean that there is always a great importance for the person who can help you with your annuities. They have to sell something that you do not know whether they do it for your own interest or for them .

For example, let 's say you're looking for a fixed rate . If you work with an agent who has a preference for variable annuities or gets paid more for the sale of variable annuities , you may end up with something that does not suit your needs . Even if you end up with a banker or financial advisor who does not do a good job in addressing your financial needs and concerns , you may end up with the investment of the day instead of the investment that suits you . And by the time you know it, it may be too late.

So how can you get help with your annuity ? First and foremost you have to help yourself . What is really good is to use where you are right now and where you want to be the inventory. Look at your current investments and your goals . Take a snapshot of your financial situation . This may sound elementary, but most people do not. But the key is to do it before to find you. Assistance from an external source

Look, the reason is simple . The more you know going in , the more likely that you get what you want. Doing your financial homework is a crucial part of getting the right help . A good financial advisor will ask you to help you understand , so you can help him to help you. It This is crucial to your financial future . Getting help with your annuity or your investments means helping yourself first .

The most important aspect of this is when you need to make decisions about your annuity or your investments . Making a financial decision If you know what you want, you will be able to figure out what you do not want . Figure For example , if you want the safety of the principal and the consultant offers you a variable annuity , you can easily say no because you know you will not fit goals. Also, the opposite is true . If you do not know what you want , you can know what you want and not a good place to start might be .

The bottom line is annuity and investment help begins with yourself . Understand your financial situation , your time frame , your need for liquidity , and your goals . The specific investments and annuities you will use to achieve your goals will come second . The more you help yourself, the more likely it is that you will end up with the right annuity . Good luck and remember ...

Ignorance is not bliss ...

Tony Bahu is the author of the controversial document , ' Annuities : The Shocking Truths ' , the secrets that the banks and insurance companies do not want you to know reveals .

For more information on his document , visit the site below now !

Tuesday 17 December 2013

An Investment Real Estate Strategy Unknown To Most Is A Negative Amortization Loan

If you want the most from your personal or investment property to make good you should consider a negative amortization loan . Mortgage amortization is basically mortgage balance reduction. Consequently, when a mortgage has negative amortization , the loan balance is not only not reduced , it actually grows . So , why would you consider this ? Easy . It's a great way to make money investing in real estate elsewhere.

This is a very aggressive and fairly unknown approach to real estate investment . In fact it is a method of investing that does not need to involve property in the usual way we consider real estate investing. In other words, a negative amortization loan you money to invest in real estate than other areas to give, and this is how many people use this type of loan .

Let's assume that your mortgage has a conventional loan that requires a monthly payment of $ 800 . If you refinance to a negative amortization loan , your payment may go down to $ 400 or less , allowing you to invest $ 400 or more per month. Now , keep in mind , your mortgage balance actually getting with this loan , because you are not required to pay interest , and it is added to your principal balance .

However , suppose an extra $ 5,000 to $ 6,000 a year in a high - yield stock or mutual fund to set . After five to ten years , this could turn into a very lucrative strategy .

Remember , it is important to consult with a financial advisor before this loan and this strategy . You could also consult with the wealth - building system , Winning the mortgage game .

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Sunday 15 December 2013

Realistic Investing Expectations

In the long term, stocks have provided us with good average return results . But this average return masks a great deal of volatility , because returns have fluctuated within a very wide band .

This extreme volatility is the main risks of investing in stocks , but it is a risk that investors tend to deviate from memories after a long period of generally rising stock prices .

Investors who are new to investing in stocks, the volatility of stocks underestimate because volatility is muted in recent years .

Greatly reduces time , but certainly do not eliminate . Volatility of returns of stocks On the other hand, there is no guarantee that you earn above average returns , even if you hold stocks for two decades or more .

Investors who are relatively new to investing in stocks can benefit from some perspective on declining markets . During bear markets , indexes declined on average by 25-35 % . Although the average bear market lasted slightly longer than 12 months , it took almost 20 months for the indices to return to the levels achieved before the market falls back.

While no one can reliably predict the timing of bear markets (or bull markets , for that matter ), a prudent investor extent share prices may fall and willing to "ride out" these periods when they occur should understand .

The great danger of falling markets is that investors will sell at or near the bottom of the recession . Those who got out of stocks missed an extraordinary revival of stock market performance .

Since risk is unavoidable when investing in stocks, perhaps the biggest risk is that you will never invest in stocks , because you never know when is the " right time " to invest .

Uncertainty is a permanent part of the investing landscape , and try to be the ideal time to invest to differentiate is almost always a futile exercise .

Do not be swayed by market fluctuations or the opinions and predictions of market analysts and forecasters !

Your investment strategy and expectations should all be based on your personal goals , time horizon , risk tolerance and financial situation .

It should not be determined by the direction of financial markets or the opinions of " the experts! "

Copyright © 2005 I.E.C. Haramis

Ioannis - Evangelos C. Haramis was born in Greece in 1951 and studied in Greece , the U.S. and Belgium . He has been active in the equity markets since 1972 . Since 2002 he is New Business Development Managing Director at an Investment Bank and editor of

Friday 13 December 2013

Discipline in Investing and Trading

Discipline can be simply defined as your ability to invest your trading plan and to follow .

Discipline is a fairly simple concept . You just need to define what , when and how you want to handle and manage . You also need to decide how to treat as you earn money and also bad days come along! Your account

Psychological issues make up 90 % of the trading equation . Discipline is the essence of all mental health problems . Pierce in the whole process . All rules and procedures and plans not matter if they are not followed .

There is little doubt that for those who find success on the market, it often comes from writing the wrong plan . It comes from not writing one at all , or not following the one that is written !

Once you have your plan the following three rules are in order :

1. Do not change your plan during the trading day.

2. Commit to making changes only when the market is closed and

3. Go over your plan every morning before you trade .

The best way to enforce discipline is simply by consciousness . Keep a record of your trades . On each trade , including an answer to the simple question : " Was this the trade part of my trading plan ' Yes or no There is no middle ground ? . . !

Be aware that the undisciplined traders are almost guaranteed failures .

Ask yourself if you are keeping the discipline , or are you just taking random trades that look good at the moment ?

You can not fix something if you do not know it's broken .

You must be aware that you have a discipline problem !

If you have the discipline problem, there is an absolute answer for you !

The answer is this :

JUST Discipline yourself ...
There is no alternative !

Copyright © 2005 I.E.C. Haramis

Ioannis - Evangelos C. Haramis was born in Greece in 1951 and studied in Greece , the U.S. and Belgium . He has been active in the equity markets since 1972 . Since 2002 he is New Business Development Managing Director at an investment bank .

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Financial Planners

"Financial planners are like dentists: they may occasionally inflict pain, but in the end you will be better off for according to their advice!"
Who wrote these lines must either have been a financial planner or someone who strongly rely on planners for financial management. We all know that planning our finances is crucial. Well, most people have the process to a halt? Perhaps visions is buried under balance sheets and calculators plaguing you, and ultimately tempt you put your money matters to "another day"!
For people with such visions and concerns, there is only one savior - a financial planner. Financial planners specializing on solving money casinos. You plan and manage your finances so that you can improve your prospects for the future. Financial planners help you determine your short-term and long-term financial goals and determine ways to achieve these goals.
Financial planners offer financial advisory services of any kind, and in order to do this, dip them in every area of ​​your financial status. They interact with their own legal advisers, bankers, accountants, and the like, to understand a person's aspirations and goals. As such, they are also conducting interviews and surveys in order to create an accurate customer profile, complete with financial goals, investments, taxes, insurance, income, retirement plans, medical plans, and other relevant data. Derive financial planner, a viable concept for financial management. This plan provides suggestions and recommendations for a person in the form of dos and don'ts, strategies in relation to insurance, asset management, investment, real estate planning, retirement, and more will follow.
Mind you, financial planning, for each one of us - we often make the mistake of thinking that only big money or the super rich need financial planners! The truth of the matter is that financial planning is a way of life, something that you can purchase as a lifelong habit. Financial planners can make this easy for you, as very often, money management is tedious and complicated if your expertise on the financing is weak. What's more, financial planners are adept at tailoring customized strategies to best suit a variety of needs and lifestyles.
Financial planners are for the ultimate pleasure - the assurance that his money is in safe hands. At the end of the day, a penny saved is a penny earned, and a financial planner is someone who can chalk out the most convenient way for you to save those pennies!
Dan Noyes ...

Monday 9 December 2013

Choosing A Financial Advisor

With so many financial advisors trying to woo you with their qualifications and experience , as you will find you can trust with your finances ? "Trust" is the keyword here , as you / they depend on it for your future financial security . A good financial advisor can help you determine which investments are best suited for you, based on your financial goals. He / she will also be able to save a program that will help you to build your wealth.
Primarily to identify their own needs , which is the risk tolerance , insurance needs , taxes , and whether you short or long term benefits . Once this is done , the choice of a financial advisor is simple. Search for references from your friends and get inputs about their own experiences . You then have to ask the consultant and him. Questions about his experience , track record , services, investment approach and educational qualifications Track your level of comfort with the consultant as you search for a long- term relationship. Never hesitate to ask what 's on your mind , but the questions may sound stupid. Always remember that it is your money and your future.
Make sure that your financial advisor the time you meet often , maybe once every three months and explain everything you need to know has . He / She should be able to offer a situation assessment and advise you of any change strategies. To obtain this one-to -one personal benefit , choose a smaller company than a larger one with an exhaustive clientele. Make sure you select that you will be a consultant rather than on a fee-only basis to offset brokerage commissions . Consultants who work on commission apparently placing their own financial gains through your efficient financial management. You may recommend frequent and unnecessary transactions benefits from them .
Your consultant should be able to understand your investment style and risk tolerance. He should have the experience and the knowledge to accurately monitor your investments. Someone has advised the customers and experienced market fluctuations , will never let you down. If your consultant has started , managed, or owned by a company , he / she will have experience that might benefit you. In some cases, a formal education is similar to a lack of practical experience . But in any case it is important that your advisor is working in a team and experts draw .
Finally, find out if the advisor has no complaints or disciplinary actions on file. For brokers and investment firms , call the NASD Public Disclosure Hotline and check for Registered Investment Advisors, call the SEC Investor Education Hotline . Make sure that you . Not handing over your hard earned money in uncertain hands Over all , use your own judgment. If you want your finances to grow with time, it is important that you choose the right consultant .

Saturday 7 December 2013

Risk and Reward

If you own your investment in the stock market , what would be the first question you would ask yourself before you make the trade or investment ? If your answer is as sound fundamentally is available , or whether the stock just broke out of a trading range on a map , or the fact that the stock is gone by 50 % in the last 6 months , or if the low volatility now it is to buy or sell a good time , then you are probably on the road to ruin . These strategies have nothing in common, and there are all kinds of different criteria , which I will not mention that have nothing in common with each other . But no matter what kind of strategy you use to make investment decisions , there is only one vital question to be asked before you pull the trigger and make the trade must be . That is, what is my risk and what is my reward on this trade. Even if you plan to buy a stock and hold it for a long time , you still have to be aware of your risk and reward . Why ? Since the entire stock market can be here for the rest of your life, not everyone can be a share. You think that's okay, I diversified a lot, so I do not need to know risk and reward. Wrong.
Diversification is great, but you should always be aware of because , investing risk and reward profile also indexes the entire market at risk and have a reward depending on the length of time . Points of entry, exit, stop and diversification , are all important things, but they themselves are not without risk and reward. One has to wonder how much I risk , and what is my potential reward . What are the most important words
Okay, how do I do that ? Well first you need to define your investment strategy. If you want to buy and stick to what exactly that means. Hold for 5 years, 10 years or forever? What is forever? If you are 20 years old always different than if you are 55th Even if you buy and operation , is forever when you invest or stop it is when you start to withdraw money ? These are important questions that must be answered specifically . You could say it does not matter because I will diversify with index funds for the next 15 years. Okay, let me ask this question . Are you 100 % invested at all times ? Do you know the maximum drawdown ( the largest loss from the index high and low for a period of 15 years ) for the index you invested ? Are you financially able to withstand , this type of loss? Okay, I know these are a lot of questions and everything you want to do is to invest in an index mutual fund for the next 15 years , and forget about it.
Well, I will now that if you think you have very little risk at 15 years, you are saying wrong. If the S & P 500 have a 100 % position in 1965 and needed the money in 1980 you would have made ​​no return on investment and had a 40 % drawdown from 1969 to 1975 . If you look in the period 1930-1955 , a period of 25 years is even worse. I know it's the Great Depression and things are different today . Do not assume anything. I 'm not saying that you should not invest. I'm just saying that it's a risk and a reward. Every time you act , whether it a week or once every 15 years , which has made trade a chance to win once and a chance to lose . Even if you buy a managed fund for 15 years you are not buying and holding . They buy and sell, but you pay a professional to do it for you . He or she will have to pull downs in the fund and hopefully he or she will look at risk and reward for you. Even an index fund holds for 15 years , will not actually buy and hold because the indexes change on an annual basis . Some stocks are in the index and some stocks go from the index. The longer the time period , say 40-55 years , the greater the risk , but the bigger the reward. Also, the longer the period , the longer you can withstand a large drawdown , if it comes.
Now what if you are already predefined with one input and one output point trading stocks , that's where I get in and where I get out . This strategy might be good, but that is not without risk and reward. The main question is , how much I invested and how much I need to get out . What is the % of the risk on each stock in the portfolio and what is the risk of the entire portfolio . Let's take an example . You bought 100 shares @ 50 IBM for $ 5,000 to a total stock of $ 200,000 . Make a sell stop loss on all 100 shares to sell if IBM goes to $ 40 / share . This means that the risk of IBM is $ 10 / share , or $ 1000. But your real risk to your portfolio is 0.5 % or $ 1,000 of $ 200,000 divided . If you have a sales order exit point of $ 100 , then your reward in the stock market would be 100 % and the reward of your total portfolio was 2.5 %. So your overall risk to reward was 5-1. You could crunch numbers all day making formulas to fit your strategy, but the important part is how much you are risking . Here are some general rules when it comes to the risk :
Do not risk more than 2 % of a particular profession or idea. It does not matter if your strategy technical or fundamental or discretionary . Risking 1% would be safer . Most large fund managers risking much less.
Diversify . Purchase 1% risk on IBM and Dell, and 1 % to 1% on Hewlard Packard is a 3 % risk , because they sell all offering the same products
Do not risk more than 20 % of your portfolio at a time , 10 % would be better. You must find a way to quantify the greed factor , or it could consume you and all your money at the same time .
In my own portfolio, I try not more than 7 % on an initial portfolio risk position.
Initial risk and risk may be going on two different risks. As the amount of trading profitably in danger at any time , a variable can not be a constant . That would be for letting profits run while cutting losses short to allow . However, you would risk your initial one variable in most cases a disaster. After initial risk is understood it should never be increased. Greed may be the primary factor in increasing initial risk and that's always a fast track to increasing losses .
I hope that risk and return profile of the primary strategy to invest in your future and become a concern trade.
John McKeon - pivate placement fund manager and owner of  , an investment newsletter. I also have more than 25 years experience in trading with a specialization in stock index trend following.

Thursday 5 December 2013

Planning Starts with the Basics

In developing a plan for your finances, the toughest question often is : "Where do I begin " Before investing in stocks and bonds or buying life insurance , before implementing any change or making any decisions , you first need to analyze and understand , your entire financial picture. Two documents you can do just that. A balance sheet and a cash flow statement will enable a thorough look at your current financial situation and to take better decisions about the future. With a little work , you can develop both of these tools and be on your way to a solid plan for your finances.
A balance sheet is a snapshot of your personal finances at one point in time. It contains two main elements: what you own (assets) and what you owe (liabilities) . - Liabilities Net Worth = Assets : Your net worth is expressed . That is what you minus what you owe possess .
A balance sheet clearly lists all assets and liabilities. Examples of assets include : house, investments such as stocks and bonds , savings and checking accounts, 401 ( k) , IRA , business interests , motives, and jewelry , among others. Liabilities are mortgages , credit cards, education loans and other debts . Once you have a list of everything you own and everything you owe created , you simply subtract the sum of the assets of the sum of the debt , which is your net worth .
The ultimate goal of most investors is to increase their net worth . The balance sheet is a very useful tool to identify strengths and weaknesses in your current finances , as well as to determine your goals for the future. Someone with a disproportionate share of the liabilities could set a goal to eliminate this debt . On the other hand, someone could use a positive net worth ( more assets than liabilities) plan , save and invest in retirement, college or other destination .
Statement of Cash FlowsAfter analyzing your balance sheet and determining your goals, you need to decide how to fund these goals . A well formulated plan is one not only with realistic goals, but also a useful means of achieving them . That is, with goals is good, but you have to be able to pay for it . With a cash flow statement allows you to determine how you pay for your goals.
A cash flow statement is a detailed look at all the money come and go over a period of time . It shows what you earn (income ) and what you spend (expenses) . - Expenses Net Cash Flow = Revenue : Your net cash flow is expressed . That is what you minus to earn what you spend .
Some examples of income include : wages and salaries , self-employment , dividends, interest and other investment income . Expenses may include mortgage payments , rent payments , insurance, utilities, clothing, food , child care , alimony or child support, travel , entertainment , loan payments , education , taxes , donations , gifts and gasoline. After listing all you earn and everything you spend, you can calculate your expenses from income , net cash flow by simply subtracting .
By analyzing your cash flow statement , you can easily identify them cut expenses and net cash surplus to use on your goals. Generally, someone should focus on cutting costs , positive cash flow , before you save or invest to achieve future goals with negative net cash flow first . Is achieved by positive net cash flow , excess money will be used directly for funding and achieving your goals .
When developing a balance sheet and a cash flow statement , it is important to remember a rule-of -thumb- quality - quality. The more detail and care you put into your planning documents , the more effective they will be. A plan is only as good as the effort you put forth when creating .
Jonathan Citrin provides financial planning services aim . Go to  m for hundreds of educational articles about personal finance, retirement , investment planning and College Savings

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Investor Guide to Financial Health

Step 1 : Spend less than you earn
Perhaps the simplest financial concept is the toughest for us to conquer - to spend to less than you deserve. After paying your living expenses ( bills , loan and mortgage payments , cost of food , donations, taxes, etc ) , you can begin to save and invest toward your future . If you spend more than you earn, you have to find a way to change this. You may even need to your lifestyle - to change a drive efficient cars , eat less, live in a smaller house , you break your phone, etc. Make a commitment to your financial success to spend less than you earn . This can be a lot of discipline , but it is an important first step towards your financial well being. If you spend less than you earn , you'll be on your way to achieving all your goals .

Step 2: Prepare for emergencies
Before any actual investing, you need an emergency fund (cash held in an account for emergencies ) to establish . This fund can be used for various emergencies , but its main purpose is to pay your living expenses in the event of a sudden loss of income. That is, if you lose your job , you will still be able to pay your bills without hard money from your investment accounts. A relatively conservative amount in your emergency fund is to keep that same 6 months living expenses.

Step 3 : Determine Your Goals
Would you take a ride without a final destination ? How long does it take? What to bring ? In which direction would you go ? These questions are easy to answer , if you know where you're going . The same holds true for investing . Before any investments are actually purchased, you have to know that your ultimate goal - you need a list of your goals .
Determine your goals and they will write serve as a basis for a proper investment plan , allowing you to customize your investment on any specific target . Some examples of " goals " are : retirement , college, buying a home , buying a vacation and a car.
In writing down your goals , there are a few pieces of information you need to identify yourself. You need to know the following for each target : stored name (NAME ), the time to completion (TIME) , costs in current prices (COST ) , scheduled posts (Payment ) and current money for this goal (PV). Below is an example of a list of goals :
Retirement - 30 years - $ 2.5 million - $ 1,000 mo - . $ 350,000 - ? ?
College Kid 1 - 12 years - $ 100,000 $ - $ 500 mo - . $ 20,000 - ? ?
College Kid 2 - 10 years - $ 100,000 $ - $ 500 mo - . $ 22,000 - ? ?
The purchase of a yacht - 6 years - 30.000 € - $ 150 mo - . $ 0 - ? ?
Step 4 : Invest
After determining your goals, you can begin to invest to achieve them . This means that the calculation of the annual return (RATE ) needed to achieve each goal . For example, you can achieve a 7 ​​% return on your retirement goal, while only 5% return on your college to achieve goals. Thus, your actual investment is significantly different individually for each target , but to everyone. ( There are online resources and computers , provide the support you calculate the required rate of return. )
Buyer of investments, you have to those who earn annual returns together necessary to buy in order to reach your goals. You can invest on your own , use an investment advisor , or search for a broker / dealer to assist you with your investments . No matter how or where you invest , there are a few things to remember :
o Put it in writing : Write down your goals and how you invest to achieve them is very important and will serve as a framework for decision making in uncertain times in the future.
o Use Index Funds: There are thousands of different plants to choose (for example, mutual funds, stocks , bonds and pensions). Index Funds provide the greatest benefits for reasons of cost, performance , simplicity, transparency and diversification.
o Seek advice : pay a little for the advice of an investment professional can be very clever. There are even investment advisor companies online that tailor your investments directly on your goals for you.
o Be emotionless : The financial markets fluctuate up and down - so will your investment. If you have any goals that are less than 5 years , you might want to (such as a money market or certificate of deposit ) invest these funds to something very conservative.
o index adjustment periodically : Accounts should be rebalanced annually to keep in line with your goals .
final Thoughts
When investing toward your goals , you need to ensure that no unforeseen circumstance prevents them from you . Insurance is a very useful tool to make sure your goals no matter what situation may arise , be realized. Through the analysis , you can determine which goals are not reached at risk for , you should become ill , are disabled or pass away. With enough money to pay for your goals regardless of death , disability , health problems or other unforeseen circumstances is an essential part of a sound financial plan.
In addition, estate planning is an important part in planning your finances. A will , trust, or power of attorney can allow you to keep your plan in motion to reach far beyond your life. ( Please consult an attorney to discuss your estate plan . )
With a solid , well thought out plan for your finances is something that you can achieve. With a little time and effort, you can be on your way to spending less than you are , establishing an emergency fund , and tailor your investments at any of your specific goals . Plan your finances wisely , and you agree to your plan.

Sunday 1 December 2013

Numismatics are for Collectors, Not Investors

As a precious metals investor, you may heard much about numismatic and "semi - numismatic " coins , especially the $ 20 St. Gaudens Double Eagle gold coin . While collecting coins can be an interesting hobby , it is investing in metals are not necessarily related. Coins of this type vary in value with the ebb and flow of the collector market and are not strictly tied to metal value . These coins often go for much more than spot price as bullion coins.
One of the concepts that are being handled through pretty much the idea of ​​the U.S. government is seized. While it is true that the U.S. government does have a gold recall in 1933 by Executive Order of FDR , gold coins were affected to a significant value on gold value is not included in this recall . Many traders use this to imply that in the case of another seizure these older coins would fall into this category, in order to sell these types of coins to the unsuspecting or new metals investor. However, the seizure issue is a red herring for several reasons:
The dollar was backed by gold in 1933 and the recall was at least partially designed to stop the run on the banks , the dollar no longer any metal backing .St. Gaudens $ 20 coins in almost uncirculated mint state conditions are still very common even taking into account their age due to decades of storage in European bank vaults.There is nothing that numismatic items could not be seized in case of another recall , says the original executive order no longer any force of law .Gold is no longer in regular U.S. - issue coinage used ( the American Eagle gold coin , although it has a face value does not count ), and is usually used only in jewelry and privately held investment vehicles such as bars and bullion coins , would be more difficult because of remember and for the account . The majority of recalls gold coins in 1933 was placed in the bank vault.As gold is no longer used as a monetary instrument of the U.S. government is unlikely to seizure in any case.Now you may be wondering about silver in relation to this as well. There was a silver coinage for more than gold, and some silver coins can still be found in circulation. However, silver has never been subject to confiscation , and its status as a major industrial metal is good reason to believe that there will never be a recall silver.
90 % and 40 % silver U.S. coinage is still widespread , and although it is contrary to what I stated above sounds , these coins are a good value - as long as they are purchased in the vicinity of spot silver or less. This is an important distinction to make , as old silver coins ( often referred to as junk silver ) often contributes very little to no value as a collector's item on the metal value . This coin , if any, are semi- numismatic , but not at the bank collector value.
In short, when you change from the perspective of an investor metals never approach at a coin collector looking for value . Collector markets are often hard to get a pulse on , and numismatics are much more illiquid than their bullion counterparts. If you are paying more than spot , as well as a modest premium , you're paying too much.